In response to the current COVID-19 situation, the Honolulu Zoo will be closed to the public and all education and public programs have been cancelled until further notice. Non-essential personnel, including Honolulu Zoo Society staff, will be working from home.

The closure is in keeping with recommendations from government and health officials, including the City and County of Honolulu, State of Hawaii, Centers for Disease Control, and World Health Organization. We continue to monitor the situation and comply with the guidelines and protocols.

We are committed to the safety of our guests, volunteers, staff, animals, and the community. During the closure of the Honolulu Zoo, essential animal care and operational staff will continue to look after the health and well-being of our animal residents.

We understand the closure has disrupted plans for Zoo visitors and Honolulu Zoo Society members. If you have purchased tickets for our Twilight Tours, you may reschedule for a future date or request a full-refund. HZS Members will automatically have their membership extended by a period consistent with the duration of the closure.

As Honolulu Zoo Society staff is working remotely during the closure, we will not be able to answer phone calls or respond to voicemail messages. Please contact us through our website and via email. We will respond as best as we are able.

We appreciate your understanding during these challenging times. We look forward to welcoming you back soon.