Crocodile Monitor also known as the Papuan monitor or the Salvadori’s monitor is the longest lizard in the world.

The Fiji Banded Iguana is an endangered species. They are threatened primarily by human encroachment and invasive species.

African Dwarf Clawed Frogs have an olive green colored backside and dark spots with a light underside.

The Hawaiian word for Donkey is Kekake. Our Kekake pair can usually be found behind the stone wall next to Lani Moo’s pen in our Keiki Zoo.

These horses are not dwarves, runts, or “genetic” errors, but are produced by selectively breeding down in size yet maintaining as near-perfect conformation as possible.

These small foxes live in family groups of sometimes up to 10 individuals. These groups are often led by the parents and will sometimes share massive dens with other families.

Adults feed primarily on small school fish such as sardines, anchovy, squid, and some shellfish. At the Honolulu Zoo they enjoy a diet of Capelin, Herring, and Sardines.

Like most lizards, they are not vocal unless hissing when threatened. Instead, these animals communicate with visual signals such as color changing, head bobs, and arm waving.

This giant gecko is nocturnal and during the day, seeks shelter in the holes and cracks of trees. When night falls, they venture up into the canopy in order to forage.

Ball Pythons hunt using a variety of senses, including sight, smell, and thermal imaging.